Tuesday, 21 July 2015

0309 Belgium, Holland and Germany !

3 countries in one day ! 

What did Forest Gump say ?  “Life is like a box of chocolates….”.  You never know what is going to happen.  And that really was true today.   I woke up in a pleasant camp site in Belgium, expecting to go only a short way down the road and I would be in Germany.  So once I had breakfasted and said my farewells, off I went.  And not 30 minutes down the road I came to a ferry across a small river, which was a bit of a surprise, but then when I got to the other side, I found I was in the Netherlands !!!  No signs, nothing – But suddenly all the car’s registration plates were Dutch !!  Could have knocked me over with a feather, because I wasn’t expecting either a ferry or the Netherlands !

So for the next couple of hours I drove through the Netherlands !  Nothing very exciting – it seems there is a little piece of the Netherlands that pushes up between Belgium and Germany, and I was in it !  Drove through lots of agricultural areas – In fact, everywhere was agriculture of some kind or another.  I forgot to mention yesterday that eastern France and Belgium seemed to grow a LOT of cabbages.  They were everywhere, all day.  And today that continued into Holland – Lots of cabbages !!  They must like them over here.  Saw a few kites / buzzards whatever today – tried to get some pics but when I turned round and came back slowly, they flew away very quickly.

Then after 2 hours in the Netherlands, I turned a corner and there was another ferry !!  Once again, totally unexpected, and it was across the Rhine.  While I was waiting for the ferry I noticed on a hill across the river a big hotel / castle – And it looked VERY like the one we had stayed in a few years ago when a bunch of us came to the German F1 GP at the Nurburgring.  We were supposed to helicopter it from the hotel to the ‘Ring, but some terrorist threats put a stop to that and we had to have a one hour coach ride instead.  Anyway, it looked very similar.

So caught the ferry across the Rhine,  and suddenly all the number plates on the cars were German – Must be in Germany then !! No signs once again, but at least I could read a few of the signs, and say please and thank you !!

From then on I would my way through the German countryside, once again staying off the main highways.  This meant I was going through a lot of little towns, but as they got increasingly “German” as I headed across the country south of Cologne, at least they were interesting. At the end we were getting into some low mountains and it was a fun drive through the forested countryside.

At about 4.30 I found a campsite marked and ended up in quite a big one on the side of a lake complex.  Lots of people here stay for the summer as there are water activities and organized things for the kids.  But I got a nice quiet spot up the back, went for a bike ride for half an hour or so round the lake, then cooked my sausages for supper to go with my last bottle of Chilean Merlot !  Very pleasant spot, and the sun even came out in the evening in contrast to the mainly overcast day. 

Not sure where I will get to tomorrow.  I am expecting Denmark, but after today I will not be surprised if I find a bit of Russia or even outer Mongolia in the way first !  You just never 
know what you are going to find !!   Love it..

Rest of the photos are here :-   https://picasaweb.google.com/110185357936043625130/0309BelgiumHollandAndGermany?authkey=Gv1sRgCJmn6M6Cp8KsGg

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