Tuesday, 11 August 2015

0319 Larvik to Hardangervidda

4th August 2015
Rain, snow, and wild camping

After a great nights sleep, we woke up to find that Torunn had a great spread on the table for breakfast, and hot coffee brewing !  Perfect. It was quite overcast, and the weather forecast was not too promising with heavy rain for the trip north.  But with a start like that breakfast, we were in good shape, and eventually managed to stop chatting, pack our stuff back into the car, and head out down the narrow track. We really enjoyed seeing Rolf and Torunn again – It is always good to catch up with friends.  And their little summer retreat is just gorgeous.  Thank you both very much.

Before we left Larvik we went to a gas (LPG) distributor Rolf had mentioned to us, and he was able to fill our cooking gas bottle which was getting a bit low, and then we set off north, taking the smaller (non toll) roads 40 and 35, up through Eidsfoss and Hokksund, by which time the clouds had descended and it was raining heavily. The next hour or two was just heavy rain as we climbed up on to the Hardangervidda – This is the Hardanger Plateau, the largest National Park in Norway, at about 1200 m ASL. 

Up near Gol we had a rescue helicopter flying along beside us for a while – I think on a training exercise. We started to see quite a lot of snow still by the road, and climbed up through Geilo where there is skiing, before reaching Haugastol with the road still climbing.  By now we could see very little due to the low cloud, but it was very reminiscent of the Scottish Highlands on a rainy day.  We passed a lake where there were hundreds of small cairns that people had built, and shortly after that, right up at the top at about 1250 m, we stopped beside the road for the night.  We managed to find
a little track that went some 50 m from the road, so we set up camp in the rain, and after a quick supper, settled in for the night, with the wind blowing and the rain raining !

Rest of the photos are here :-  https://picasaweb.google.com/110185357936043625130/0319LarvikToHardangervidda?authkey=Gv1sRgCKj5-uDS-5nZAg

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