Thursday, 3 September 2015

0345 Larsmo to Luvia

1st September 2015
Wandering down the Finnish coast

We played canasta for a while last night, so it wasn’t too early a night.  But once we were asleep, we slept right through till 8 am – And awoke to another blue sky ! This camping spot was delightful, and we had breakfast sitting in the sun, just enjoying the peace and serenity beside the water.  Before setting off, we went over to the office to use their wifi, (the one that wasn’t working in the campsite !), and managed to get a bit of the blog posted and a few emails sent.

For those of you who have been enquiring about the mapping section of my photos in Picasa, and the fact that I haven’t been doing it for a while, the reason is that I have had so little time with decent wifi that it has been all I can do to get the photos uploaded, captioned, and the blog written.  The mapping feature for the photos WILL be done when I get enough time to sit and do it.  When travelling on one’s own it is much easier, but when travelling with Janet it is required that one is a little more sociable in the evenings, even playing cards !  So it is just a time issue !  I can assure you that I want it done as well because it is how I track my whole journey afterwards – When I have forgotten where we went !

From our little island of Larsmo, we headed on down the minor coast roads through Jakobstadt and Nykarleby, and were then forced to get back on the main road (Hwy 8) and travelled on to Vaasa where we stopped to buy some bread.  I believe the town was named after the 1500’s King Gustav Vasa of Sweden.   There were heavy black clouds looming that had appeared out of no where in just the last half hour, and for a while we had some quite heavy rain showers.  The road was about as exciting as yesterday – Trees, fields and occasional water ! 

We then continued down to Pori where we had another opportunity to get onto smaller B roads, and as it was getting on in the afternoon we started looking for suitable camp sites.  We followed one little road out to a place called Luvia, right on the waters of the Gulf of Bothnia.  At the very end of the road we found a little wharf area with some gorgeous wooden yachts tied up, but everywhere was pretty deserted, with most buildings and cafés etc locked up tight for
the winter.  We wandered around for a while and asked a couple of people about camping around the marina, and they all said they thought it would be fine – So we did !  We set up just back from a very nice marina, and sat enjoying the evening sunshine with a glass of red wine, followed by supper.  The rain seems to have disappeared again, and now, currently 7.30 pm, I am still sitting outside enjoying the sunshine.

Tomorrow we will go and have a look at Turku before heading towards Helsinki. 

Pics here :-

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